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Christmas Trees


Say Hello to these handcarved Christmas trees that will be a wonderful addition to any small world play. Or just use them as Christmas decor for any shelf top or table top in the home too. We’ve got a few to stand guard over our heartwarming nativity scene from Safari toob! See other listing for the nativity figurines. Or Match them with Grapat or Grimms! 

Handcarved and handpainted in a lovely coat of light moss green, these are unique as each tree is different due to the craftsman’s individual attention to carve each one out. Not machine made or cookie cutter at all. The trunk ends with a sturdy base that is also uniquely designed by our artisans so each tree stands sturdy and proud. 

Small Christmas Tree [H-15.5cm x W-16cm]

Medium Christmas Tree [H-20cm x W-21cm]

Large Christmas Tree  [H-24cm x W-24.5cm]

We recommend getting 2-3 to form a wonderfully picturesque scene.:)