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Bauspiel Colored Sparkling Stone Triangles(Equilateral) (54 pieces)*

$108.00 Regular price $135.00

Triangles crucial in construction play too & this set of colored stone triangles are beautifully made to jazz up any creation you made. The colors are attractive for young children especially & being easy to hold & grasp, they make way for much Creative fun! .

This is a whopping 54 pieces set contain equilateral triangles beset with sparkling stone!  We think this set of equilateral triangles will provide enough sparkle for little ones to feel motivated to build and create.

Each equilateral triangle is embellished with a little sparkling stone which allows you to do sorting & matching & counting too. Why not teach math in a beautiful way?

Size of each equilateral triangle: 4 x 4 x 4cm