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Playfoam® Cupcake Café


Have some some sensory fun with this Playfoam Cupcake Cafe Kit!

Choose a cupcake creation card, squish the Playfoam into the cupcake wrappers, add the matching toppings, plastic candles, and serve them up! These moves shape and color learning, patterning and matching skills which are key early math skills and fine motor abilities!

Kid-safe, non-toxic, squishy, squashy Playfoam NEVER DRIES OUT, so the pretend play and learning never ends.

This Cupcake Cafe Kit includes:

  • 5 blocks of Playfoam,
  • 5 cupcake wrappers,
  • 5 cupcake toppers,
  • 5 pretend play candles,
  • 5 double-sided order cards,
  • a play guide, and
  • a cafe play scene for your pretend cupcakery!

Playfoam NEVER DRIES OUT! You can use it again & again to create 3D ideas. Squish together the Playfoam, shape it however you like, then squash it back down and start all over again! 

Playfoam makes the perfect gift for boys and girls ages 3 and up!